Saturday 29 June 2013

Building In Hebel

If you want to get builders passionate about something, just mention that you are thinking of building in Hebel.

Hebel seems to be a product that instantly polarises people in the building industry.  We spoke to one volume builder at a display centre who builds only in Hebel, while another builder refused to use it point-blank.  Others offer it as an option, and everyone wants to tell you their opinion on it.

What is Hebel?

The Hebel product is relatively new in Australia, but has been used in other parts of the world for many years.  The product itself is a type of aerated concrete.  To understand it, just imagine a solid concrete block, and now imagine it pumped full with tiny air bubbles - that's what Hebel is.  I don't pretend to understand how it is manufactured, but it is the combination of concrete and air bubbles that gives Hebel its purported properties, namely excellent thermal and acoustic insulation.

A house built in Hebel is either assembled by fastening large Hebel panels (not load bearing) to the timber frame, or by building the house out of Hebel "blocks" which are basically large bricks.  According to the Hebel literature, the blocks can be load-bearing, removing the need for a timber frame.

Because Hebel is fundamentally concrete, all the builders we spoke to finished it as a "rendered surface".  Therefore, homes built in Hebel always have a very modern / contemporary appearance.

Benefits of Hebel?

We got curious in Hebel as an option for our house, so got a couple of builders who work with Hebel to provide quotes to build their standard brick house in Hebel.  In all cases, the Hebel option was an "upgrade" to brick, with additional costs.  At the time, we were toying with the idea of a fully rendered house and what was really interesting was that the "upgrade" cost of building in Hebel was about 1/3rd of the cost of rendering a brick veneer house.

In other words, while Hebel was more expensive than brick, it was much cheaper than rendered brick.  That raised a question in our minds as to what the difference in the rendering was.  It turns out that while a Hebel building is finished with a rendered appearance, it is not rendered per se.  Rather, something called a "Texture Coat" is applied.  The texture coat is apparently much thinner than render, which is the big difference here in terms of cost and labour.

Our investigation petered off at this point, not so much because the coatings turned us off, but because we got more interested again in the classical appearance and aesthetics of a brick house, which ruled Hebel out.

Reasons to Build with Hebel

  • You want the look of a contemporary fully rendered house
  • You want the benefits of the thermal and acoustic insulation that Hebel provides

Reasons to Not Build with Hebel

  • You don't want fully rendered house
  • You don't want to pay more

Saturday 8 June 2013

Trees and the Local Council

Okay, so one of the things that I should share with you is that our new block, the site for our new home is covered with trees.  As well as an old house that we plan to knock-down and replace, there are about 20 mature trees on the block – all natives - and we live in an area that where the local council (by reputation at least) are very protective of trees.
And I have been worrying a bit about the trees.

A bit of Background

When we bought the house, we bought it from a woman who had being trying her hand at a bit of property development – arriving from overseas several years previously, she had bought two houses in the same suburb with a view to knocking them down and building units.  She had (as far as I can tell) come unstuck by three problems (i) a big mortgage that could not be serviced by the rents she was getting (old houses due for demolition don’t rent well) (ii) a fall in the value of the properties she had bought between 2010 and 2012 and (iii) trees.

We know all this because (and this is an absolutely true story) a day or so after agreeing the price and signing contracts to buy one of her property, her “business associate” had arrived on the front doorstep of our home to try to convince us to back out of the deal.  He explained that the woman was in big trouble with her family in the motherland – turns out it was not her money she was using as capital and that she wanted to re-negotiate the deal.  We declined, and this is when he changed tactic and told us that we would never be able to build on the site because the council would never let us cut down any of the trees.

So trees have been on my mind for a while, and I decided that I would give the council a call to find out if what challenges lay ahead of us.  I spoke to a friendly lady at the council offices who asked me three key questions, before giving me some feedback:
  • What is the address of the property?   I told her the address.
  • Are you aware of any vegetation overlay on the property?   “No.”
  • Are you planning on knocking down the house to build units or townhouses.  “No.”
Having answered these she quickly confirmed “yep, I’ve checked the address and there definitely is no overlay and if you are planning to knock down the existing house to build a single residence, then you are fine.”  And that was that!

It seemed all too easy so I drilled in a bit more.   It turns out that this council takes a pretty dim view of knocking down trees to build units and townhouses, so property developers need to do their homework.  However, unless there is an overlay on the title, then I am pretty much free to do as I please.
As an afterthought, I should add that I am actually a fan of trees and one of the reasons that we like the block of land and suburb is the trees.  However, in our case, a sadly, quite a number of them will need to be removed to make way for the construction of our new house.

Soil Types and Concrete Slabs (Part 1)

If you are building a modern home, then that house will probably be built on concrete slab.  At the start of the project, the cost of the slab is one of the most variable of the costs for both you and the builder and it is not uncommon for slabs to cost considerably more than first estimated.

Increases in the cost of the slab can be disappointing to home builders, because it viewed as money spent on something that will never be seen.  However, it is extremely important that the slab be engineered correctly for the house you plan to build, in the location you plan to build it.  In this regard, it should be viewed as money well spent.

What is disappointing is the lack of information that is provided by most builders on slab options and their costs.  If slab costs go up, they generally do so once soil tests are performed.  However, for the buyer, this can introduce costs late in the process that, arguably, could have been foreseen by the builder as likely.

Which Type of Slab is Used When?

The construction of the slab itself (its dimensions and thickness) depend on the layout of the house and the materials used in the construction of the house.  Obviously, a two-storey brick veneer house is heavier than a single-storey timber clad house and the engineers will figure all of that out for you.  What matters (at least in terms of time and extra cost) is the type of slab that is needed for your house, which is primarily determined by the type of soil on which the house is going to be built and the gradient (slope) of the land.

What is Reactive Soil?

Soil experts often talk in terms of how "reactive" the soil is, and for house building, soil that is more reactive is more of a problem than soil that is less reactive.  "Reactive" refers to the degree to which the soil will move in terms of expansion when wet, contraction when dry and the likelihood of any sideways movement (i.e. is there a chance it will wash away in a flood).  More reactive soil means there is more movement, and soil movement is what causes most issues with concrete slabs.

Soil Tests

When soil tests are done, they measure a number of things to determine how reactive the soil is. 
  • Clay content - clay is the enemy of concrete slabs and the more clay you have in your soil, the more engineering will be required.  The reason for this is that clay absorbs water and expands when it does so.  It also shrinks and hardens when it dries.  Without proper thought and engineering, this continual expansion and contraction of the soil under and around your house slab will cause it to move and (in extreme cases) even crack.
  • Depth to bedrock - Knowing how deep you might need to dig to find solid rock is important
  • Composition (sand, rocks etc.)
  • The presence of chemicals that might be a problem to a slab


What Soil Types are there?

Based on the results of the soil tests, a building site is generally classified into one of the following classes, which is used (in part) to determine what kind of foundations and slab need to be laid:
  • Class 'A' - Non-Reactive (you lucky beggars!) Your site is basically sand and rock, with negligible movement likely.
  • Class 'S' - Slightly Reactive - There is some clay present on the site and slight movement can be expected over time.
  • Class 'M' - Moderately Reactive - There is clay and/or silt present that may experience movement over time.
  • Class 'H' - Highly Reactive - Moisture changes in the soil will cause a high amount of movement
  • Class 'E' - Extremely Reactive - Are you sure you want to build here?
  • Class 'P' - Problem

Most builders quote on the basis of an 'M' Class Slab, whether or not it is realistic that 'M' class will be sufficient in your location.  Remembering that most builders have built in most suburbs, they know what the basic geology of the city is and they know (at least broadly) how likely it is that an 'M' Class slab will be sufficient.

We are a 'Problem' Site

When we met with one builder recently, straight off the bat the sales-woman told us the truth about our site - we are a Class-P problem site.  Why?  "Bluntly", she said, all "knock-down sites end up requiring a Class-P slab.  Once you have pulled down the old house, dug out the old house's stumps and footings, pulled out any trees and their root systems and dug holes to cut off water and sewage connections, you have de-stabilised the soil to such an extent that engineering is required to support the slab."

So we are a Class-P site and will need a "Class-P" slab which means Piering - but more on that in a later post.